E67: Why you need an organizational assessment

One of the important gaps in the leading change methods that Connected Change™ addresses head on, is the various contexts and characteristics of the various organizations that we are changing. 

Why? Sometimes I think that its just “too complex” and since the other methods are very “directive” I find they gloss over the unique characteristics of each organization.  At Connected Change ™ we incorporate these characteristics in your change to make it relevant and sustainable.

The unique fingerprint or DNA of the organization will drive how to design the change.  I talk about how to use this complexity to your advantage in designing the change. 

I detail the key components of the organizational assessment and how to structure it. I talk about the Connected Change ™ 5-elements, and how you use them to inform the organizational assessment.

I talk through an example of where an organizational assessment at the beginning of the change, and involving stakeholders in this process was critical to the success of the change.

Resources mentioned:

Diffusion of Innovations – Everett Rogers

The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell

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E67: All about stakeholders


E66: Top-down change does not work